Somewhere around 2003/2004, I took it into my head to make my own "perfect" tarot deck. That deck has had several incarnations over the years (hence the title of this blog!) but is finally coming together, in no small part thanks to some amazing advances in technology.
Although I have made the decision to make my deck available for sale, it's still "my perfect tarot deck"--that means there are things about it that don't fall into line with traditional (i.e. RWS) tarot. (I still consider it largely RWS inspired but it deviates in places where the RWS system doesn't work for me. I did a lot of research; nothing here is thrown in willy-nilly. I have some 20 years under my belt as a tarot reader/collector. I don't read professionally--but I do read often.)
Having made the decision to (self) publish before the deck is completed, it is very easy to fall into the trap of "well, maybe I should change that so it's what people expect". This is to remind myself not to do that. I certainly do hope others garner meaning and enjoyment from my cards, but ultimately, this is about my vision, my research, and most of all, my experiences with the cards.
A more "commercial" deck (or two?) will follow, as I have plenty of ideas brewing in the back of my brain, because that's the nature of creativity. It also seems to be the nature of tarot decks; much like potato chips, it is the rare individual who can have "just one" !
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